Price : chip အမ်ိဳးအစားမ်ား၍ လိုခ်င္ေသာ chip နံပတ္ကို email ပို႕၍ေစ်းေမးႏိုင္ပါသည္။
Price : chip အမ်ိဳးအစားမ်ား၍ လိုခ်င္ေသာ chip နံပတ္ကို email ပို႕၍ေစ်းေမးႏိုင္ပါသည္။

Digispark (China clone)
(Part no : AM-0022)
- Attiny85
- Arduino IDE 1.0+
- Operating voltage : Power via USB or External Source - 5v or 7-35v (12v or less recommended, automatic selection)
- 6 GPIOs : 4 independent IO, 2 shared with USB
Getting started guide
Price : 5,000 kyats
(Part no : AM-0022)
- Attiny85
- Arduino IDE 1.0+
- Operating voltage : Power via USB or External Source - 5v or 7-35v (12v or less recommended, automatic selection)
- 6 GPIOs : 4 independent IO, 2 shared with USB
Getting started guide
Price : 5,000 kyats

Adafruit trinket development board 3.3V
(Part no : AM-0021)
- ATtiny85, 8MHz, 8K of flash, 512 byte of SRAM, 512 bytes of EEPROM
- Bootloader allow to use with Arduino IDE
- Operating voltage : 3.3V
- 5 GPIOs : 3 independent IO (1 analog, 2 PWM), 2 shared with USB
Price : 11,500 kyats
(Part no : AM-0021)
- ATtiny85, 8MHz, 8K of flash, 512 byte of SRAM, 512 bytes of EEPROM
- Bootloader allow to use with Arduino IDE
- Operating voltage : 3.3V
- 5 GPIOs : 3 independent IO (1 analog, 2 PWM), 2 shared with USB
Price : 11,500 kyats

ATmega328P Xplained Mini
(Part no : AM-0020)
- Atmel ATmega328P
- On-board debugger with full source-level debugging support in Atmel Studio
- Access to all signals on target MCU.
- Arduino shield compatible foot prints
Product link
Price : 17,600 kyats
(Part no : AM-0020)
- Atmel ATmega328P
- On-board debugger with full source-level debugging support in Atmel Studio
- Access to all signals on target MCU.
- Arduino shield compatible foot prints
Product link
Price : 17,600 kyats

Adafruit GEMMA
(Part no : AM-0019)
- ATtiny85, 8MHz, 8K of flash, 512 byte of SRAM, 512 bytes of EEPROM
- Easy-to-sew or solder pads for embedding in your wearable project
- Bootloader allow to use with Arduino IDE
- Ultra low power, draws only 9 mA while running
- On board 3.3V regulator (up to 16V input)
- 5 GPIOs : 3 independent IO (1 analog, 2 PWM), 2 shared with USB
- I2C capability for breakout & sensor interfacing
- only 1.1" / 28mm diameter and 0.28" / 7mm thick
youtube link.
Price : 12,000 kyats
(Part no : AM-0019)
- ATtiny85, 8MHz, 8K of flash, 512 byte of SRAM, 512 bytes of EEPROM
- Easy-to-sew or solder pads for embedding in your wearable project
- Bootloader allow to use with Arduino IDE
- Ultra low power, draws only 9 mA while running
- On board 3.3V regulator (up to 16V input)
- 5 GPIOs : 3 independent IO (1 analog, 2 PWM), 2 shared with USB
- I2C capability for breakout & sensor interfacing
- only 1.1" / 28mm diameter and 0.28" / 7mm thick
youtube link.
Price : 12,000 kyats

Adafruit trinket development board
(Part no : AM-0018)
- ATtiny85, 8MHz, 8K of flash, 512 byte of SRAM, 512 bytes of EEPROM
- Bootloader allow to use with Arduino IDE
- Operating voltage : 5V
- 5 GPIOs : 3 independent IO (1 analog, 2 PWM), 2 shared with USB
youtube link.
Price : 11,500 kyats
(Part no : AM-0018)
- ATtiny85, 8MHz, 8K of flash, 512 byte of SRAM, 512 bytes of EEPROM
- Bootloader allow to use with Arduino IDE
- Operating voltage : 5V
- 5 GPIOs : 3 independent IO (1 analog, 2 PWM), 2 shared with USB
youtube link.
Price : 11,500 kyats

AVR ISP Downloader/USBASP Downloader
(Part no : AM-0013)
- Support Window XP , Win 7
- Can't burn AVR Bootloader program
- can program a lot of popular AVR chips
datasheet link(usbasp.pdf)
detail on this link.
Price : 9,500 kyats
(Part no : AM-0013)
- Support Window XP , Win 7
- Can't burn AVR Bootloader program
- can program a lot of popular AVR chips
datasheet link(usbasp.pdf)
detail on this link.
Price : 9,500 kyats

(Part no : AM-0015)
- compatible with Atmel's AVR Studio
- support following devices
ATMega16, ATmega16L, ATMega162, ATmega162V, ATmega165, ATmega165V, ATMega169, ATmega169V, ATMega32, ATMega323, ATmega323L, ATmega32L, ATMega64, ATmega64L, ATMega128, ATmega128L, AT90CAN128ATMega16, ATmega16L, ATMega162, ATmega162V, ATmega165, ATmega165V, ATMega169, ATmega169V, ATMega32, ATMega323, ATmega323L, ATmega32L, ATMega64, ATmega64L, ATMega128, ATmega128L, AT90CAN128
detail on this link.
Price : 18,000 kyats
(Part no : AM-0015)
- compatible with Atmel's AVR Studio
- support following devices
ATMega16, ATmega16L, ATMega162, ATmega162V, ATmega165, ATmega165V, ATMega169, ATmega169V, ATMega32, ATMega323, ATmega323L, ATmega32L, ATMega64, ATmega64L, ATMega128, ATmega128L, AT90CAN128ATMega16, ATmega16L, ATMega162, ATmega162V, ATmega165, ATmega165V, ATMega169, ATmega169V, ATMega32, ATMega323, ATmega323L, ATmega32L, ATMega64, ATmega64L, ATMega128, ATmega128L, AT90CAN128
detail on this link.
Price : 18,000 kyats

AVR ISP Mk II (programmer)
(Part no : AM-0005)
- Supports all Atmel® AVR® devices with ISP, PDI or TPI interface
- In-Circuit Programmer
- Programs Both Flash and EEPROM, Supports Fuses and Lock Bit Programming
- Support target voltages from 1.6V to 5.5V
- Powered from USB, does not require external power supply
- ATMEL official IDE (Atmel Studio) support MK II
detail on this link.
Price : 61,300 kyats
(Part no : AM-0005)
- Supports all Atmel® AVR® devices with ISP, PDI or TPI interface
- In-Circuit Programmer
- Programs Both Flash and EEPROM, Supports Fuses and Lock Bit Programming
- Support target voltages from 1.6V to 5.5V
- Powered from USB, does not require external power supply
- ATMEL official IDE (Atmel Studio) support MK II
detail on this link.
Price : 61,300 kyats

AVR OpenM128 Standard board
(Part no : AM-0007)
- Microcontroller ATmega128A-AU (AVR, TQFP64)
- Supports 2.2" 320x240 touch screen LCD
- Open & Modular design, features various communication interfaces
- 1 x 8 I/Os (8-bit AD included), 1 x 16 I/Os, 1 x ONE-WIRE, 1 x SPI
- 1 x I2C, 1 x touch LCD, 1 x character LCD, 1 x PS/2
- Man-machine interface
- 2 x LCD, 1 x PS/2, 8 x LEDs, 4 x User keys, 1 x Joystick
detail on this link.
Price : 54,200 kyats
(Part no : AM-0007)
- Microcontroller ATmega128A-AU (AVR, TQFP64)
- Supports 2.2" 320x240 touch screen LCD
- Open & Modular design, features various communication interfaces
- 1 x 8 I/Os (8-bit AD included), 1 x 16 I/Os, 1 x ONE-WIRE, 1 x SPI
- 1 x I2C, 1 x touch LCD, 1 x character LCD, 1 x PS/2
- Man-machine interface
- 2 x LCD, 1 x PS/2, 8 x LEDs, 4 x User keys, 1 x Joystick
detail on this link.
Price : 54,200 kyats

AVR OpenM128 package A
(Part no : AM-0008)
- AVR OpenM128 Standard board
- PL2303 USB UART Board (mini)
- 2.2inch 320x240 Touch LCD
- AD Keypad
- FT245 USB FIFO Board (mini)
- AT45DBXX DataFlash Board
- PCF8563 RTC Board
- NRF24L01 RF Board (B)
- DS18B20
detail on this link.
Price : 106,000 kyats
(Part no : AM-0008)
- AVR OpenM128 Standard board
- PL2303 USB UART Board (mini)
- 2.2inch 320x240 Touch LCD
- AD Keypad
- FT245 USB FIFO Board (mini)
- AT45DBXX DataFlash Board
- PCF8563 RTC Board
- NRF24L01 RF Board (B)
- DS18B20
detail on this link.
Price : 106,000 kyats

AVR OpenM128 package B
(Part no : AM-0009)
- AVR OpenM128 package A
- LCD12864 (3.3V Blue Backlight)
- 8-SEG LED Board
- 8 Push Buttons
detail on this link.
Price : 125,000 kyats
(Part no : AM-0009)
- AVR OpenM128 package A
- LCD12864 (3.3V Blue Backlight)
- 8-SEG LED Board
- 8 Push Buttons
detail on this link.
Price : 125,000 kyats

ATmega8 Board
(Part no : AM-0011)
- Onboard ATMega8 chip
- powered from USB with 5/3.3V selectable
- on board 8MHz crystal
- support ISP programmer
Price : 11,800 kyats
(Part no : AM-0011)
- Onboard ATMega8 chip
- powered from USB with 5/3.3V selectable
- on board 8MHz crystal
- support ISP programmer
Price : 11,800 kyats

AVR ATmega16 Board
(Part no : AM-0012)
- Onboard ATMega16 chip
- powered from USB with 5/3.3V selectable
- on board 8MHz crystal
- support both ISP programmer and JTAG programmer
Price : 16,500 kyats
(Part no : AM-0012)
- Onboard ATMega16 chip
- powered from USB with 5/3.3V selectable
- on board 8MHz crystal
- support both ISP programmer and JTAG programmer
Price : 16,500 kyats

ATmega88 M88 Board
(Part no : AM-0010)
- Onboard ATMega88
- powered from USB with 5/3.3V selectable
- on board 8MHz crystal
- support ISP programmer
Price : 17,700 kyats
(Part no : AM-0010)
- Onboard ATMega88
- powered from USB with 5/3.3V selectable
- on board 8MHz crystal
- support ISP programmer
Price : 17,700 kyats

ATMEL ATMEGA128 Development Board
(Part no : AM-0014)
- ATMega128
- 8xLED / 4x7 segment display / 4 x matrix key
- MAX232 for serial communication with PC
- AT24C02 I2C external memory
- Buzzer
- 2 LCD types (1602 LCD/12864 LCD) supported
- stepper motor interface
- infrared receiver
- PS2 interface
- DS1302 real-time clock chip
- many more......
Price : 43,000 kyats
(Part no : AM-0014)
- ATMega128
- 8xLED / 4x7 segment display / 4 x matrix key
- MAX232 for serial communication with PC
- AT24C02 I2C external memory
- Buzzer
- 2 LCD types (1602 LCD/12864 LCD) supported
- stepper motor interface
- infrared receiver
- PS2 interface
- DS1302 real-time clock chip
- many more......
Price : 43,000 kyats